Monday, July 16, 2012

What's Growing Today?

With the heat, and lack of rain the garden is getting a bit, well... crunchy. This crunchiness has come despite the efforts of myself and my fellow waterers to keep everything hydrated. We have pretty sandy soil!

However, things continue to grow and one crop in particular is getting crunchy and dry right on schedule:

The garlic patch will be harvested very, very soon!
One of the first peppers (a serrano)
First ripening tomato

First (hopefully of many!) zucchinis are on there way.
Beets are visible above the ground and getting bigger.

Lots more tomatoes to come!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


For various reasons, food pantry donations have gotten off to a late start this year, but even even these first couple have had a great variety of veggies. So far we are harvesting kale, collards, chard, scallions, carrots, oregano, rosemary, and sage for the Project Soup!

We have enjoyed a lot of iced tea made from lemon balm and sage at coffee hour as well as a chard dish.

There was also a plentiful harvest of garlic scapes that I mixed with basil from the garden and made into pesto. Garlic scapes are the flowers of garlic plants and it is essential that they be removed before they mature so that the heads are allowed to grow. Thankfully, they're also yummy!

See the curly young garlic scape or "flower"?

July 3rd - the first donation of the season with 2 bunches of collards, 2 of chard, 7 of kale, and a small amount of carrots, sage, rosemary, oregano and scallions

July 10th donation is very similar to the first, but with fewer greens, and bigger and more carrots and scallions. Yum!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Early Harvests!

Happy June! It's time for this blog to be active again. The garden is up and running - not completely planted, but well on its way. Squirrels, birds, and passersby have been enjoying strawberries for a little over a week and this Sunday they will appear on the coffee hour table en force!